
Welcome to the program!

As a parent/educator, you have access to both the student and parent sections of the website.  The parent section includes information on things like grading and how to help your student.  In the student section, you can check to see what materials your student is covering for the week.

On the “entrepreneurial” side of the program, we would suggest that any student who gives it an honest, “good faith” effort deserves an “A”.  Many factors of starting a business vary, depending on your situation.  An obvious example of this would be the relative ease of making a sales quota if you live in a small to large city, compared to if you live out in the country.

Nevertheless, if your student does the reading and TRIES to accomplish the goal of having a going, profitable business in place at the end of the course, it will be a life-changing experience.  They will certainly learn more about life and about economics than the average – or even the most advanced group of high school students!

The same thoughts hold true on the “economics” side of it.  Sowell’s book, Basic Economics, does a great job of covering the materials that we covered in our MBA Econ courses, and does it in an interesting and understandable way.  Your student will not retain everything.  We all remember high school.  None of us remembers everything!  But, again, they will get more than is usually carried away from a high school economics course.

As you work your way through the materials, please let us know if there are things that you see that you would like us to improve.  You can reach us at  We would love to hear from you.  Our intent and desire is to provide EXCELLENCE.  As always, if you love us – well, TELL YOUR FRIENDS!

Thank you for allowing us to be part of your mission of raising your children!  Have a great year!

Make sure to login using the link at the bottom of the page (in the footer section) to access the course materials.