About Us

iStock_000011628270XSmallHow does one teach a student, or anyone, how to start a business?  We believe that the only way to effectively teach entrepreneurship is to do entrepreneurship.  We ask every student that uses our curriculum to start a  business.

Not a virtual business.

A real business.



How it works

Our curriculum provides structure as the student starts their business, with clear weekly assignments.  Each week of our 36-week program, the student will read an online segment of about 1500 words.  These online readings introduce the concepts which will be covered, provide links for free or inexpensive tools necessary for business, and assigns reading in the five books which are included with the curriculum.  In addition to the student assignments, there is a parent section which keeps parents current with what students are learning and addresses concerns that parents might have about what their students are learning.

We know that finances are tight.  Therefore, we have included an economics section in our curriculum.  You will need to check with your high school coordinator (if you have one), but our curriculum should meet their economics requirements.  We use Basic Economics by Thomas Sowell as the primary economics text, supplemented by excerpts from Wealth of Nations.  The weekly readings during quarter three are focused on economics, introducing concepts and explaining the key points in simple terms with examples.


Who we are

The curriculum is written by a team of MBA’s and entrepreneurs who consult with educators in the private- and home-school communities.  This critical step insures that the curriculum is teacher/parent-friendly, straightforward, and full of guidelines for grading, helping students, and free/cheap resources to utilize through the educational process.